Posts Tagged ‘Rednecks for Obama’

No Offense

October 30, 2008

If you missed it last weekend, check out this Post article that chronicles the capital offense of DC-dwellers who secretly hate politics and have to hide their guilt.

Tonight, go discuss how artists can be involved in politics!
“Citizen Artist: Your Voice Counts – Issues, Strategies and Tactics for making better arts policies and better policy-makers,” will be presented by the DC Advocates for the Arts. Karen Bradley will lead this event from 6:30-8:00 pm at the new Busboys and Poets location – 1025 5th St NW. The closest metros are Gallery Place and Mt. Vernon Square. Following the presentation there will be time to discuss how artists can influence policy, locally and nationally. And of course, time to chat with peers. The DC Advocates for the Arts are an all-volunteer organization working to increase support for art and artists in Washington, D.C.

Our XX teams had their first spacing rehearsals last night in the beautiful Round House Theatre in Silver Spring. The tech cues have been set, the entrances and exits are figured out, and the actors are working to memorize their lines before Saturday! This X-Play edition promises to be one of our most provocative yet. Our teams are exploring the difficult grey areas between traditional definitions of “left” and “right”. For some food for thought, check out Conservatives for Change, Rednecks for Obama, and Democrats for McCain.